We welcome scholars, experts, and practitioners involved in the food system to register as potential reviewers for our journal.
By signing up you confirm you are willing to conduct peer review of manuscripts submitted to our journal that fit with your specified scientific interests. You may be invited by the managing editor and in any case you can decide whether to accept or decline the request.
The writings submitted for publication in the section "Articles" are subject to a revision procedure which complies with the standards in use for scientific publications at international level and which are accepted by major citation databases.
The Director assigns the job to one member of the Editorial Board, who then takes responsibility and, with the Director, makes a preliminary assessment of the manuscript’s potential for publication. The work passed through for assessment is sent anonymously to two scientific reviewers with recognized expertise in the topic, selected by the Editorial Board, and they will express their overall assessment and an analytical opinion, both of which will be communicated to the author confidentially, to be revealed only to the Editorial Board of the Journal.
The author will also receive suggestions as to the piece’s suitability for publication in line with one of the following four designations:
a) acceptable for publication in its current version.
b) acceptable with minor revisions.
c) potentially acceptable after substantial revision.
d) not acceptable for publication in the journal.
The editorial board’s decision regarding the manuscript’s suitability for publication is sent to the author along with the comments of the reviewers
Economia agro-alimentare / Food Economy. An International Journal on Agricultural and Food Systems.
ISSN 1126-1668 eISSN 1972-4802 DOI 10.3280/ECAG
Published by FrancoAngeli Edizioni on behalf of SIEA - Società Italiana di Economia Agro-Alimentare
Editorial Office: Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agro-alimentari | viale Giuseppe Fanin, 50 | 40127 Bologna (Italy)
tel: +39 051 2096126