Guest editors:
Deadline: December 1, 2023
Submission: go to the submission instructions
Section: when submitting, select the section code SLOW2023 to ensure the manuscript is sent to these Guest Editors.
Planned publication: Volume 26, Issue 2 (August 2024)
This Special Issue Guest Editors will also run a Developmental Workshop, where the prospective authors will have the opportunity to develop their paper further for publication. Attendance at the workshop is not a prerequisite to submission, nor it constitutes a guarantee of final acceptance of the manuscript.
The workshop will take place in London (Fitzrovia) on Saturday the 14th of October 2023, from 10:00 to 16:00.
For more detailed instructions, see the full call for papers here:
This theme aims to explore the relationship between food, heritage, innovation, and sustainability, with a specific focus on the Slow Food Movement and alternative food networks. The Slow Food Movement, founded in Italy in 1986, advocates for traditional, local, and sustainable food systems as an alternative to the globalized fast-food industry. It emphasizes the principles of good, clean, and fair food, and has grown into a global network of food activists and advocates.
The special issue seeks to examine how the principles of the Slow Food Movement can be applied to promote sustainable and equitable food systems globally. It invites research papers that explore various aspects related to food production, distribution, and consumption. The supply side theme focuses on innovative technologies and practices for sustainable food production, the role of biodiversity, and the potential of technologies like blockchain and artificial intelligence in enhancing traceability and transparency. The demand side theme explores the preservation of cultural heritage through traditional food preparation techniques, fair labor practices, and the role of food branding and retail. The role of innovation in fostering sustainable food systems, the institutional mechanisms supporting social movements, and the role of heritage in sustainable food systems are also key areas of focus.
The special issue welcomes interdisciplinary research from fields such as food science, agriculture, sociology, economics, and environmental studies. It encourages original research papers using various methodologies and invites scholars to submit their proposals for consideration. Additionally, a developmental workshop will be held to further develop the papers for publication, providing an opportunity for collaboration and refinement of ideas.
Specific Topics
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
1: the supply side
2: the demand side
3: the role of innovation in sustainable food systems
4: the role of heritage in sustainable food systems
Slow Food principles, Heritage, Innovation, Sustainability, Alternative Food Networks, Sustainable food systems
Article Publication Charge
The regular APC for accepted papers applies. The APC fee is waived for SIEA members.
Guest editors:
Extended Deadline: May 15, 2021
Submission: go to the submission instructions
Section: when submitting, select the section code FADN2021 to make sure the manuscript is sent to these Guest Editors.
The European Union's Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) monitors farms' income and business activities. It is also an important informative source for understanding the impact of the common agricultural policy measures.
FADN is the only source of microeconomic data based on harmonized bookkeeping principles. It is based on national surveys and covers only EU agricultural holdings that can be considered commercial due to their size.
In recent years, several proposals for an enlargement of FADN survey have been presented, discussed and studied, particularly concerning a wider and more exhaustive collection of environmental and social information. This improvement could allow more effective use of FADN data in policy evaluation, measurement of different sustainability indicators on the same set of farms and provide useful info on the environmental performances of farms.
At the same time, another important innovation occurs, at least in the Italian FADN (RICA), i.e., attempting to integrate data derived by other sources, such as administrative archives like payment agencies and farm register. Quick finalization of this integration project should strongly simplify data collection and facilitate integrating environmental and social info in the FADN data set.
The "farm to fork" EU Strategy includes an ambitious proposal for a revision of the Farm Accountancy Data Network Regulation to transform it into a Farm Sustainability Data Network, aimed at contributing to a wide uptake of sustainable farming practices.
The Special Issue aims to offer researchers and scholars the opportunity to discuss and provide important insights into the current uses and possible evolution of FADN survey in EU and neighbour or pre-accession Countries, highlighting its critical points and potential future developments.
Specific Topics
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: Integration of FADN with agricultural statistics (FSS, Census, annual surveys…)
FADN, farm economics, accounting standards, economic and econometric models, irrigated agriculture, climate change, environment, innovation, sustainable development
Article Publication Charge
The regular APC for accepted papers will be covered by CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics
Guest editors:
Deadline: October 15, 2019
Section: sustainableirrigation2020
Water, World Heritage, is a vital good and an irreplaceable source of life for the ecosystem and, therefore, must be preserved.The problems concerning water and the management of water resources have always been a decisive factor for the development of society. The increase in population, the increase in water demand and the consequent limited availability of the resource, also threatened by climate change, pose an efficiency challenge in the management of available water resources.
The agricultural sector is largely involved, given the importance of the water resource for agricultural production and the vulnerability of the sector to the effects of climate change.
It is estimated that 70% of the world's water abstractions isused in the agricultural sector (WWAP, 2015). Therefore, a preventive policy was adopted and the policy of water resources has been permanently merged into the wider framework of sustainable environmental policy.
The Europe 2020 Strategy, and the objectives set by the Common Agricultural Policy (pursued through prescriptive tools such as eco-conditionality, ex-ante conditionality and greening), are oriented towards the strengthening role of environmental protection that the agricultural sector can play.
In particular, as part of the programming for Rural Development 2014-2020, specific financial resources have been allocated for the modernization and adaptation of the irrigation infrastructures.Finally, in addition to the provision of ecosystem services,the new Bio-economy Strategy proposes the identification of synergies and complementarities amongthe common agricultural policy, the fisheries policy, the integrated maritime policy and the EU environmental policies as regards to resource effectiveness, sustainable use of natural resources, protection of biodiversity and habitats.
The orientation of the various action plans, ultimately, envisages a series of actions aimed at responding to the interconnected challenges for society, such as the creation of a more innovative society, more efficient in using resources and more competitive, able to reconcile food security with the sustainable exploitation of renewable resources while ensuring environmental protection.
TheSpecial Issueaims to offer researchers and technologists the opportunity to discuss and provide important insights on the evolution of water resources, highlighting its critical points and potential for the future.
Contributions will respond to the following topics:
Water resources, irrigated agriculture,climate change, environment, innovation,sustainable development.
Guest Editors:
Submissions due by December 31, 2019
Climate change, agriculture, food systems and trade are intimately interrelated. Sectors like agriculture need to adapt to climate change and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions while meeting growing global food demand. Within this context, international trade will experience new dynamics, reflecting the impact of climate change and GHG emissions mitigation, which will alter the comparative advantage and competitiveness of sectors across regions and countries. Connecting economies, trade can play a central role for the adaptation to climate change-related challenges, for example by reallocating food from surplus to deficit regions, hence contributing to food security. Trade can also facilitate international cooperation for an efficient global distribution of climate change mitigation efforts, and, for example, increase development and transfer of emission-efficient technologies. Conversely, if production moves to countries with no or less stringent mitigation obligations in place, trade could lead to emissions leakage that undermines efforts for global GHG emissions reduction.
Against this background, the special issue is devoted to deepening the knowledge on the linkages between trade and climate change adaptation and mitigation, in order to reflect on synergies, obstacles and possible solutions to govern an era of important challenges.
The following deadlines will be strictly adhered to:
First submission from June 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019
First round of reviews due by February 2020
Revised papers due by April 2020
Second round of reviews (if needed) due by May 2020
Final version of paper due by July 2020
Online Submission
Submission instructions and manuscript template are available here:
To be considered for this special issue the section “AgTradeClimate” must be selected.
Economia agro-alimentare / Food Economy. An International Journal on Agricultural and Food Systems.
ISSN 1126-1668 eISSN 1972-4802 DOI 10.3280/ECAG
Published by FrancoAngeli Edizioni on behalf of SIEA - Società Italiana di Economia Agro-Alimentare
Editorial Office: Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agro-alimentari | viale Giuseppe Fanin, 50 | 40127 Bologna (Italy)
tel: +39 051 2096126